Street Light Upgrades
Over the next few weeks, our community management will be upgrading the street lights in Coventry Pointe to new energy-efficient LED bulbs. These upgrades will help improve visibility and safety on our streets while also providing environmental and cost savings benefits.
The new LED street lights will direct the light downwards towards the road, rather than outwards where it can intrude into homes. This will help reduce unnecessary light pollution in our neighborhood. If you experience any issues with light glare or intrusion after the new LED street lights are installed, please contact our community management office.
We hope you’ll agree that the LED upgrade will be a positive change for our community. The new lighting will make our streets safer and more visible at night for vehicles and pedestrians, while also being more sustainable and cost-effective than our old street lights. If you have any other questions or concerns about this lighting project, don’t hesitate to reach out. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during the installation process!